Towards a new generation of data warehouses?
3-4 Oct 2019 Montpellier (France)

Call For Papers

Towards a new generation of data warehouses?


In recent years, the emergence of architectures with fluid models, such as NoSQL databases and data lakes, has challenged our view of information systems modeling.


The development of these technologies and architectures has inspired a great deal of research, both technical and theoretical, on the design and implementation of business intelligence systems. During the last EDA sessions, we explored the impact of big data on business intelligence systems. Technological proposals in this field have led researchers to make research proposals concerning the volume of data (how to deploy a data warehouse on a distributed architecture?), the velocity of data (how to build OLAP cubes for real-time data analysis?) and the variety of data (how to build OLAP cubes enabling document, image, graph analysis?) in information systems.

This work was mono-directional: we were bringing a conventional multidimensional model to a novel technological platforms. But the emergence of NoSQL databases should also challenge our theoretical model. Faced with databases with a fluid model, the conventional data warehouses and the OLAP cubes, with their independent dimensions, and their fully known hierarchies, seem too rigid.

Is the multidimensional model made obsolete by NoSQL technologies? Or will these new technologies inspire changes to this theoretical model?

The EDA 2019 conference will be an opportunity to review this research, but also to propose new takes on these themes.

Since 2005, the EDA conference has provided a forum for regular meetings for researchers, industry stakeholders, and practitioners interested in the latest scientific and technological advances in this field. We invite all researchers and experts to present their work. We particularly encourage young researchers to participate.
EDA 2019 will be held in Montpellier in October 2019. It is organized by the UMR TETIS with support from CIRAD, IRSTEA, AgroParisTech, and CNRS.

As the conference organizers are particularly concerned with spatial applications, a special GeoBI and SOLAP session will be proposed during this edition of the conference. On this occasion, Peter Baumann, from Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany, will make a presentation.


Papers must describe original research and applications related to the following topics (as non-exhaustive list).


Important dates


June 15, 2019 : Submission deadline

July 5, 2019 : Notification of results

July 30, 2019 : Final versions of papers and posters

September 10, 2019: Registration

2-4 October 2019: Conference


Instructions for authors

Papers may be written in French or English. The proceedings of the conference will be published in a special issue of the journal RNTI (Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information).

We ask authors to anonymize versions submitted for evaluation (blind review).


Communications must be submitted on and in the RNTI format (


Important: the copyright for RNTI must be downloaded and submitted with the manuscript:


We invite four types of communications:

  • regular communications (max. 15 pages);
  • short communications (max. 8 pages), most often targeting a project report;
  • demonstrations (max. 4 pages), the document must provide an overview of the demo that will be made during the conference;
  • doctoral students' papers (max. 4 pages) exposing a thesis proposal and including a review of the state of the art: the author must be a doctoral student.

A selection of the best papers will be submitted to a special issue of the International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining


Conference scope

Theme #0 Special Session BI and Geographic Information

- GeoBusiness Intelligence

- Spatial data warehouses

- Spatial OLAP

- Geovisual analysis

- Crowdsourcing: data and analysis

- Mobile sensors: data and analysis

- Artificial intelligence and spatial data

Theme #1 Data Storage and OLAP

- Data warehouse architectures

- Data warehouse design

- Extraction, transformation, loading (ETL)

- Physical organization of the data warehouse

- Multidimensional modeling

- Online analytical processing (OLAP)

- Maintenance and administration of the data warehouse

- Optimization and fine-tuning of performance, benchmarks

Theme #2 Big Data and Cloud Computing

- Big data integration and modeling, data integration and cloud computing

- Quality and integrity of big data

- Big data security and reliability, confidentiality and trust, BI security in cloud computing

- Data lakes

- NoSQL databases

- Cloud BI: Snowflake, Amazon QuickSight, etc.

- Text, graphics, flow data

- Distributed environments: Hadoop, Spark, Flink

- Big data engineering: virtualization, elasticity, distributed computing, large data platforms

- Linked Data, ontologies

- High-performance/parallel computing, emerging hardware architectures

- Mobility and big data

Theme #3 BI & Artificial Intelligence

- Applications of artificial intelligence to optimize data management

- Integration of data intelligence in warehouses and the cloud

- Deep learning and big data applications

Theme #4 Big Data Analysis

- Activity analysis

- Data mining and machine learning

- Search for information

- Social Media Analysis

- Data visualization, virtual reality

- Research and exploration of a variety of data, including scientific and technical, social, sensor/IoT/IoE, sensor and multimedia data.

- Real-time analysis and event analysis

- Analysis of temporal, spatial, spatio-temporal and mobile data

Theme #5 Applications

- Applications: bioinformatics, management, science, health, society...

- Internet of Things (IoT)

- Energy-efficient computing for large data volumes

- Image processing for decision making

- Open data analysis

- Alert systems

- Mobile applications

- Web databases, ontology-based databases

- Interaction between e-learning and decision-making

- eSCM and logistics



Program Committee

Chair: Daniel LEMIRE, Université du Québec (TELUQ)

Co-chair: Lucile SAUTOT, AgroParistech


Amal AIT BRAHIM, Université de Toulouse

Fatma ABDELHEDI, Entreprise Trimane

Faten ATIGUI, CNAM Paris

Thierry BADARD, Université Laval, Québec

Nadjia BENBLIDIA, Université Saad Dahlab, Blida, Algérie


Laurent D'ORAZIO, Université Rennes 1

Cécile FAVRE, Université de Lyon

Philippe FOURNIER-VIGER, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, Chine

Bernard ESPINASSE, Aix-Marseille Université

Sabine LOUDCHER, Université de Lyon

Sofian MAABOUT, Université de Bordeaux

Patrick MARCEL, Université de Tours

Rim MOUSSA, Université de Tunis

Elsa NEGRE, Université Paris Dauphine

François PINET, IRSTEA Clermont-Ferrand

Frank RAVAT, Université de Toulouse

Mathieu ROCHE, CIRAD Montpellier

Maguelonne TEISSEIRE, IRSTEA Montpellier

Online user: 6